Eparchia Wrocławsko-Koszalińska Kościoła Greckokatolickiego w Polsce

Dach nad głową / Roof above the head

Dach nad głową / Roof above the head


We are people of different beliefs and worldviews. However, these differences do not matter when it comes to supporting those who need our help. Our initiative is open to everyone, regardless of religious beliefs and political views.

Our intention is to support refugees who are currently temporarily living with Polish families or in local government social centers. For a period of six months – twelve months, we want to fully or partially subsidize the apartments they would rent. Finding your own apartment, living „on your own” is always an important element of becoming independent.

We hope that those six months – twelve months of support will allow our guests from Ukraine to start an independent life.

all the money collected on the accounts listed below will be fully donated to support families from Ukraine.

In the last two months, thanks to your support, 6 families have been given a roof over their heads. A family of six from Winnica (mother, father and four children) lived in Muchobor Wielki in Wrocław (lease agreement for 12 months, the rental cost is PLN 2500, the family covers the operating costs on its own). We signed a room lease agreement for a single woman from Mariupol, who lost her apartment and all her life belongings (the contract was concluded for a period of 12 months, PLN 1300 is the cost of renting and the service charges are about PLN 70). Another family – a married couple of seniors who fled the war in Ukraine and a mother with two sons (the woman is a volunteer who has been actively involved in helping since her first days in Poland); For these two families we rented a 3-room apartment (lease agreement for 12 months, rental cost – PLN 3000 and service charges – PLN 1100). Mrs. Maria from Kharkov with three children also received support from the project in the form of a rented apartment (rent – 1600 PLN, service charges – 520 PLN). Maria is also a very socially engaged person. A children’s choir was formed under her supervision. Our pupil rides with children and wins various competitions (we will inform you about the next planned concert). We also helped a woman with her daughter (apartment rented in Święta Katarzyna, near Wrocław, the cost of renting partially borne by the project – PLN 1000). Mrs. Svitlana’s daughter  helps us run social media.


Project in numbers

The group of our donors is 65 people, of whom 21 declared donations for a year and 44 for six months.

The Eparchy of Wrocław-Koszalin of the Greek Catholic Church donated funds for the payment of flats for 3 families for the period of half a year (PLN 7500 per month).

Since the beginning of the Project, we have helped 8 families, including 14 adults and 15 children, and one dog.


What’s up with our families?

A family from Świebodzice (a family of 7 with 5 children) has support from a volunteer from Wałbrzych, who occasionally visits the family and helps to solve current affairs.

The family of painters, including Mrs. Svitlana, who has damaged fingers of her left hand, has been examined by doctors and is currently awaiting surgery.

Mrs. Svitlana from Mariupol is finding herself better and better in Wrocław and has received a part-time job.

All this is possible thanks to your generosity, thank you very much.

We encourage you to share information about our project! Winter is approaching and we assume that service bills will go up, so we will need support!

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